
Chris Duncan

A Front Door Diagnosis of Infective Endocarditis

A 35 year old lady, Ms H, with a background of intravenous drug use, presented at night to the Emergency Department (ED) of a District General Hospital with sepsis of unknown source. She was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics and intravenous fluids by the ED team and referred for medical

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Chris Duncan

The Dyspnoeic Referral

A 37 year old female presented to ED with a 9 day history of cough and dyspnoea. She had no past medical history, no foreign travel and was of Indian descent. An initial fast-track referral was made to Acute Medicine Ambulatory Care along the pulmonary embolism referral pathway. Prior to

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Chris Duncan

A Delayed Presentation of Post-Partum Cardiomyopathy

A 39 year old female presented to the Emergency Department with a two week history of worsening shortness of breath and cough. She had no past medical history with no regular medication and was eight weeks post-partum. This had been an uncomplicated pregnancy (P2G2) and normal delivery. She was initially

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Chris Duncan

A Concealed Trigger for Seizures & Collapse

A 35 year old gentleman with a background of learning disability presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with seizures on a background of two months of fevers, night sweats and being generally unwell. Prior to this he had presented to his General Practitioner with multiple collapsing episodes which had been

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Chris Duncan

Ultrasound In Core Training – Why Wait?

Point of care ultrasound (POCUS) is being increasingly utilised within acute and critical care environments as an adjunct to the clinical assessment of acutely unwell patients. With the advent of novel training pathways for focused ultrasound Junior Doctors may acquire these skills in a supervised environment significantly earlier in training.

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